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qPCR Services

Phalanx Biotech Group提供全面的Real-time PCR服務(也稱為定量PCR服務或qPCR服務),包括基因表達、miRNA表達、SNP基因分型、拷貝數變異和絕對定量。qPCR是最廣泛使用的核酸定量和基因分型技術。由於優化的試劑、儀器和分析軟體,可輕鬆協助客戶生成具有高再現性、動態範圍的高質量數據。


Gene Expression Real-Time qPCR Services

  • Services available in TaqMan or SYBR Green chemistries.
  • Our SYBR Green assay design and optimization workflow includes testing for the correct product size and specificity via gel electrophoresis and melt curve analysis. We will also test the amplification efficiency of each assay using standard curves.
  • Traditional reference genes such as GAPDH and 18S are not suitable in all experiments. We can identify reference genes in your experiment by measuring the expression of a group of candidate reference genes and choosing the most stable gene(s).

miRNA expression Real-Time qPCR Services

  • Services available with TaqMan miRNA Assays and TaqMan Advanced miRNA Assays.
  • Both chemistries can discriminate between miRNAs that differ by a single nucleotide.
  • We are experts in the detection of miRNAs in biofluid samples (serum, plasma, etc.)
  • Traditional endogenous control small RNAs such as U6 might not be suitable in all experiments. Furthermore, U6 and other snRNAs are not available for TaqMan Advanced miRNA Assays. We will identify suitable internal controls in your experiment by measuring the expression of a group of candidate miRNAs. The most stable miRNA will be used for normalization of your miRNA targets-of-interest.

Qiagen PCR Array Real-Time (qPCR) Services

  • Simple, fast, targeted qPCR arrays.
  • The RT2 Profiler PCR Arrays (for gene expression) target over 200 biological processes and diseases, such as cancer drug targets, stem cell signaling, cell death, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and the cell cycle.
  • The RT2 Profiler PCR Array system is also amenable to custom array construction. These services are available for a wide array of species in a variety of plate formats.
  • The miScript miRNA PCR Arrays target over 20 biological processes and diseases, such as B and T cell activation, breast cancer, and apoptosis.

SNP Genotyping Real-Time (qPCR) Services

  • SNP genotyping via qPCR is a more simplified workflow compared to direct sequencing.
  • We can perform SNP genotyping using predesigned TaqMan SNP assays.
  • If your SNP is novel, then we can assist in designing and ordering a Custom TaqMan SNP assay.
  • Please submit ~20ng DNA per sample per SNP.

Copy Number Variation Real-Time (qPCR) Services

  • Fast copy number quantification using the TaqMan Copy Number Variation workflow.
  • The TaqMan Copy Number Variation system can discriminate between 0-5 copies of your target.
  • If you expect copy numbers greater than 5, then see our Absolute Quantification services below.
  • Experiments require a target assay, reference assay, and a calibrator sample of known target copy number.
  • Reference and target assays are readily available for Human and Mouse samples.
  • Please contact us if you are testing a species other than Human or Mouse.  We can look into the availability of custom target and reference assays.

Absolute Quantification Real-Time (qPCR) Services

  • Services available in TaqMan or SYBR Green chemistries.
  • Send us your Standard sample, e.g. plasmid, PCR amplified product, or in vitro-transcribed RNA.
  • We'll perform the calculations and dilutions necessary to generate the Standard Curve.
  • Based on the Standard Curve results, we'll quantify the copy numbers of your Unknown samples.


  • qPCR服務可用於基因表達、miRNA表達、基因分型、拷貝數變異和絕對定量應用。
  •  我們的科學家和實驗室人員是TaqMan和SYBR Green實驗的專家。
  •  我們在SYBR Green試驗設計和優化方面擁有豐富的經驗。我們也可以根據您的要求使用預先設計的SYBR Green或TaqMan進行檢測。
  •  我們可以為您的表達實驗確定合適的內源性對照(Internal control)。
  •  我們可以在預先設計和定制的Qiagen RT2 Profiler和miScript miRNA PCR Arrays上提供qPCR服務。
  •  我們完整的qPCR服務工作流程包括RNA QC,特定應用樣品處理,qPCR和根據您的特定需求進行數據分析。