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Phalanx Biotech Group了解大量基因組數據可能不易分析。因此我們成立了訓練有素的生物資訊團隊,與學術和行業領域的客戶合作,從基礎生物學研究到藥物發現等各種應用,協助客戶解讀數據。無論客戶是需要我們從原始數據運行基礎分析,還是需要進階分析來回答具體問題,我們都隨時提供幫助。我們使用經過驗證的分析流程為客戶提供最常見問題的快速解答,或者協助構建客製化分析流程,以滿足客戶的特定需求。華聯的生物資訊團隊非常樂意與您合作,將您的NGS或生物晶片數據轉化為突破性發現!


生物資訊團隊使用經過驗證的NGS分析流程處理Illumina / BGI 數據,輸出標準和定制的分析結果。請查看以下內容了解我們可以提供的分析類型。

mRNA Sequencing (Gene Expression Analysis)

  • Data QC & filtering
  • Statistical analysis of differentially expressed genes
  • Gene Ontology and Pathway enrichment analysis
  • Principal components analysis

Small RNA Sequencing

  • Data QC & filtering
  • Analyze the expression pattern of known miRNAs
  • Identify novel miRNAs
  • Statistical analysis of differentially expressed miRNAs
  • Target prediction of novel and known miRNAs
  • Gene Ontology and Pathway enrichment analysis of miRNA target genes
  • Principal components analysis

Transcriptome De Novo Assembly

  • Data QC & filtering
  • Transcripts assembly
  • Known and novel transcript identification
  • Differential gene expression analysis
  • Gene Ontology and Pathway enrichment analysis
  • Principal components analysis
  • Novel lncRNA prediction
  • Differential lncRNA expression analysis
  • Up/down stream lncRNAs identified for specific genes
  • Pre-miRNA prediction

16S Metagenomics

  • Data QC & filtering
  • Number of raw reads, number of reads passing QC, number of Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs)
  • Species composition and abundance analysis
  • Complexity of a single sample (alpha diversity)
  • Complexity differences between different samples (beta diversity, samples ≥ 2)
  • Principal component analysis (samples ≥ 3)
  • Clustering of species composition among samples (Samples ≥ 3)


  • Data QC & filtering
  • Align reads to the reference genome
  • Peak analysis (peak length and depth)
  • Peak annotation (peak distribution, Gene Ontology and Pathway analysis of peak related gene)
  • Identify differential peaks between samples
  • Differential peaks annotation (differential peaks distribution, GO and Pathway analysis of differential peak related gene)
  • Motif analysis

Whole Exome Sequencing

  • Data QC & filtering
  • Align reads to the human reference genome
  • SNP calling and annotation
  • SNP validation and comparison
  • Functional prediction of SNPs
  • InDel calling and annotation
  • InDel validation and comparison




Our basic OneArray®data analysis package includes normalization, identification of differentially expressed genes, principal components analysis, hierarchical clustering, and Gene Ontology and Pathway enrichment analysis.


Our basic Agilent data analysis package includes normalization, identification of differentially expressed genes, principal components analysis, and hierarchical clustering.


Our basic Affymetrix data analysis package includes normalization, identification of differentially expressed genes, principal components analysis, and hierarchical clustering.


Our basic Illumina data analysis package includes normalization, identification of differentially expressed genes, principal components analysis, and hierarchical clustering.

Advanced Analysis

  • Gene Ontology and Pathway enrichment analyses: using a set of differentially expressed genes, an enrichment analysis will find which GO terms and pathways are over-represented (or under-represented) using annotations for that gene set.
  • CMAP: a useful tool in the drug discovery process, OneArray® microarray results can be input into our CMAP pipeline in order to identify/predict the effects of different drugs on different compounds without having to run the wet lab experiments. Protein target prediction and advanced pathway analysis can be performed as subsequent analyses in order to give an even more complete picture of the experiment.




Our basic OneArray®data analysis package includes normalization, identification of differentially expressed genes, principal components analysis, hierarchical clustering, and Gene Ontology and Pathway enrichment analysis.


Our basic Agilent data analysis package includes normalization, identification of differentially expressed genes, principal components analysis, and hierarchical clustering.


Our basic Affymetrix data analysis package includes normalization, identification of differentially expressed genes, principal components analysis, and hierarchical clustering.


Our basic Illumina data analysis package includes normalization, identification of differentially expressed genes, principal components analysis, and hierarchical clustering.

Advanced Analysis

  • Gene Ontology and Pathway enrichment analyses: using a set of differentially expressed genes, an enrichment analysis will find which GO terms and pathways are over-represented (or under-represented) using annotations for that gene set.
  • CMAP: a useful tool in the drug discovery process, OneArray® microarray results can be input into our CMAP pipeline in order to identify/predict the effects of different drugs on different compounds without having to run the wet lab experiments. Protein target prediction and advanced pathway analysis can be performed as subsequent analyses in order to give an even more complete picture of the experiment.